Our Invention

We’ve created an automated method for flushing IV lines, ensuring patients receive full dosages while reducing risks for antimicrobial resistance, sepsis and other complications such as chemical irritation of the vein.

Droplet IV is the absolute simplest solution possible, without electronics, buttons to push or breakaway seals, etc. Droplet IV is a prefilled flushing automation device that works by simple fluid dynamics principles.

It is designed for the nurse to use together with their current IV bags and IV sets. It’s assembled at the beginning of every IV medication administration. This alleviates them from the stress and time-sensitive task of manual flushing, which often is delayed and includes multiple checkups simply to see if the medication administration has ended.

Benefits of using Droplet IV

Better Patient

Prioritize patient care throughout the hospital.

Setting Nurses

Benefits the nurses workflow and allocate time to value-adding activities.

Fighting Antibiotic

Patients receive the full dosis and no medicine is discarded in the environment.

More Sustainable
IV Care

IV lines can be discarded in recyclable plastic waste.

This allows us to create significant values, as

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